Mid-Year Enrollment

Tuition fees will be assessed on a per-term basis for any partial year that a student attends upon enrollment. The facilities, materials, and activities fees will be assessed in full for any student starting at any time before the first day of the third term. For the third term, April Enrollment fees apply.

Payment Methods

All fees must be paid by bank transfer (furikomi) by the due dates. No cheques or foreign currencies will be accepted.

Late Payment

Please note that failure to pay school fees, including the deposit, lump sum, or any of the installments, by the respective due dates may result in the school withholding the student’s school reports, references, and/or examination results until payment is made. If payments are not made in a timely manner, the student may be suspended or permanently expelled from the school.


Refunds for early withdrawal can be given, in cases where annual fees have been paid in full, based on the following REPORTING schedule.

  • Withdrawal on or before the first day of school reported by August 15 — No refund of application fee or registration fee. Full refund of facilities, materials, activities and tuition fees.
  • Withdrawal During Quarter 1 (until November 7) reported by September 1 — No refund of application fee, registration fee, facilities fee, materials fee, or activities fee. Refund of two thirds of tuition fees.
  • Withdrawal During Quarter 2 (until February 1) reported by October 1 — No refund of application fee, registration fee, facilities fee, materials fee, or activities fee. Refund of one third of tuition fees.
  • Withdrawal on or after February 1 — No refund of application fee, registration fee, facilities/material fee, or tuition fees.

In cases when a student will not stay for a full year, and when that situation is reported to the school before the student commences study for that year, a pro-rated fee for tuition may be negotiated based on the amount of time the student will be in attendance. Please consult the school for more details.