Tsukuba International Preschool is an early childhood education center where children can learn and play in English. The preschool will open its doors to new students on September 1, 2009.
Children who are turning three, four, or five years old in the current calendar year (January to December) are eligible to enter the preschool in September 2009.
The preschool has two teachers: Ms. Skye Wheat is a qualified teacher from Australia who has several years’ experience teaching in Japan, and Ms. Hiromi Yagishita is a qualified nursery school teacher originally from Tsukuba. Both of these teachers are working hard to put together an interesting and stimulating program for the preschoolers who will join in September.
Please note that although the preschool building is located on the same campus as Tsukuba International School and there will be interaction between the preschool and the elementary school, the preschool is, at least for the time being, a separate entity from the elementary school.
For more information or to enroll your child, please see the Tsukuba International Preschool website.
Note: Tsukuba International Preschool later merged with Tsukuba International School.