Dear TIS Community, I am extremely proud and excited to announce that Tsukuba International School is now authorized to offer the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate. This achievement culminates…
Mind Your Ps and Os!
Our kindergarten students are learning how to write Ps and Os today. They found that Ps were quite easy, but Os were harder because they make many different sounds!
Dramatic Improvement!
Our Grade 2 class just finished a unit on "Conflict Resolution". One of the students returned from the weekend and submitted the following chart to his teacher, Ms. Marsh. According…
Conflict Resolution
The Grade 2 class performed puppet shows that explained how to solve conflicts. This team had two characters who were fighting over a book. At first they decided to do…
Nature’s Classroom
Just before 11am, we heard some crows SCREAMING in our forest. We rushed outside to see what was happening, but we couldn't tell from where we were standing. We found…